It has just been revealed that Two Point Hospital: JUMBO Edition will be launching on Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox One on March 5, 2021. This content rich package includes four DLCs (Bigfoot, Close Encounters, Off The Grid, and Pebberley Island) and two different item packs (Retro Items Pack and Exhibition Items Pack). The JUMBO Edition is set to receive a physical release on Nintendo Switch and PS4, but will only launch digitally on the Xbox One.
All content included with the JUMBO Edition has previously seen a release, but this is the first time that they have been included in one tightly stuffed package. A notable omission, however, is the Culture Shock DLC, which launched last October, so it isn't entirely a complete package of all content released for the game to date. Still, this looks to be an excellent starting point for anybody who has not yet dived into the world of Two Point Hospital.