PUBG: Battlegrounds

Twitch streamer gets banned from PUBG for team killing

Brendan 'PlayerUnknown' Greene even responded.

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A popular Twitch streamer called Dr Disrespect (a.k.a. Guy Beahmand) has been banned from PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds for team killing as, during a live stream, he killed one of his own teammates to free up space in a vehicle, and this kind of "non-accidental team killing" is against the game's terms of service, meaning he got banned (which wasn't helped by the fact the world saw him do it).

This ban wasn't permanent, but only "for a few days", but the problem was that Dr Disrespect tweeted Brendan Greene, PlayerUnknown himself, with threats of violence, which allegedly weren't meant to be taken seriously. Unfortunately Greene did take them seriously, because it brought back memories from his past, and in a longer post he explained why he always takes threats of violence very seriously.

"When I was in college, many years ago, I had a disagreement with my flat mate," he said. "Instead of talking it out like men, he decided to get aggressive and while I was backing away from him, he kicked me in the chest and put my head through a plate glass door. Thankfully, I don't suffer from any ill effects due to this experience."

"The point of that story is to attempt to explain why I think even the threat of violence is not something that should be joked about. Given my experience in college, and the fact that The Doc's threat, even as a joke, synced up closely to a bad experience I endured, it could have brought up bad memories, triggered a panic attack or had other consequences The Doc might not have intended when composing the tweet."

So, don't team kill, and remember: it's only a game. Have you experienced any bad sports on PUBG yet?

PUBG: Battlegrounds

Thanks, VG247.

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