Total War: Rome II

Total War invades Humble Bundle

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A new Humble Bundle has been announced and this time it is fully dedicated to The Creative Assembly's Total War series. As usual you can pay any price you want and choose how much of your money goes to charity (five to choose from including Special Effect).

Any price grants you access to Medieval II: Total War Collection, Viking: Battle for Asgard, Shogun: Total War Collection, Rome: Total War Soundtrack, Total War: Arena (beta key), Exclusive Total War: Warhammer Illustrated Campaign Map, Total War Battles: Kingdom special banner and 1,000 in-game gold, 3 Total War ebooks.

If you beat the average price (currently $7.74) you get Medieval: Total War Collection, Empire: Total War Collection, Total War: Arena 18,000 in-game gold, Humble Store coupon (66% off Total War: Attilla). If you pay more than $15 you also get Total War: Rome II as well as two Campaign packs and two Cultures packs. Pay $30 and you also get a t-shirt.

More games will be added soon to the offer, and with 13 days remaining just over 21,000 punters have bought the bundle.

Total War: Rome II

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Total War: Rome IIScore

Total War: Rome II

REVIEW. Written by Mike Holmes

Fans of the series have been waiting for this sequel for many, many years. Happily, it doesn't disappoint.

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