Injustice 2

Today on GR Live we're playing Injustice 2: Legendary Edition

We're taking another look at NetherRealm's DC brawler.

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NetherRealm has been supporting its excellent DC-themed brawler, Injustice 2, with plenty of DLC since it launched in May of last year. Over the past 11 months we've been fighting with heroes in a half-shell and boys from hell, putting them in the ring with the usual roster of well-known DC heroes and villains.

Now, as we edge closer to the game's one year anniversary, Warner Bros. has published a new Legendary Edition of the title that brings together the base game along with all of the subsequent DLC that has landed since launch. And that's precisely what Jake is going to be playing today on GR Live from 3pm BST / 4pm CEST, so tune in here later this afternoon to see what the new edition offers, and watch as Jake gives Dóri a rare beating.

Injustice 2

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Injustice 2Score

Injustice 2

REVIEW. Written by Ricardo C. Esteves

"If you're a fan of DC, and have even a passing interest in fighting games, Injustice 2 is absolutely mandatory."

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