Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge was released two years ago and was an instant success. Tribute Games had taken the concept of the classic Turtles in Time and actually managed to improve on it, adding varied characters and really good multiplayer, and as you might imagine, it got a high rating from us.
Last year, a batch of DLC was released for the game that added more content, not least a Survival Mode and two new characters (including the beloved Usagi Yojimbo), and apparently it doesn't seem impossible that there could be more Turtles content in the future - maybe even a sequel. In a Prankster101 Productions interview, Shredder's Revenge's narrative designer, Yannick Belzil, says the studio is keen to continue working with the Turtles, even if nothing is currently in production:
"We'd love to do more DLC, or maybe even a sequel, but that's not something that's on the cards right now. We're a small team, so we've put all of our effort in the existing DLC. And it has to be successful for there to be a sequel, or even new DLC. And that'll depend on the fan reaction, and of course the commercial success of the DLC. We'd love to do more of it, because we really love the Turtles, and fans seem to have enjoyed the game, and there's still an appetite for the Turtles, so we'd love to keep working in that world. But again, that'll depend on the fans."
We guess there's only one appropriate way to comment on that; Cowabunga!