Timesplitters Rewind

Timesplitters Rewind teased in a new trailer

We should hopefully get it this year.

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Who still remembers Timesplitters? It started in the year 2000 during the PlayStation 2 era, spawning two sequels on the same generation, and now it's making a comeback... sort of.

Timesplitters Rewind is a fan project aiming to bring the game back by using modern CryEngine, and it's approved by Crytek itself. Last time anything was heard about this project was back in 2013, but a new teaser gives us a name for the developers: Cinder Interactive Arts.

"It was a teaser and was developed in a short amount of time to get people talking, the date change at the end was designed to tease people with the final date being 2017," one of the developers said to PC Gamer.

At the end of the video it's hinted that the game will be released in 2017, and for more be sure to check out the teaser yourself right here on Gamereactor. Which was your favourite game out of the three?

Timesplitters Rewind

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