The sequel to the hard-hitting cop-sim, This is the Police, launches on PC on August 2, and on Xbox One, PS4 and Switch later this year.
The game will feature a mix of adventure and management and new mechanics that requires that the player participates more directly, and manages the police on a more personal level. They are no longer just resources, they are human beings with their own sets of fears, strengths, weaknesses, which have to be taken into consideration when making decisions. The outcome of the game depends on every decision you make.
In a new trailer we are introduced and "welcomed" to Sharpwood, which is described in the press release like this:
Sharpwood is a cold place, a desolate place. Corruption spreads, violence escalates. Local cults gain more power, as do criminal gangs. And the Police? Well, everybody has to make a living, right? So "To serve and protect" - but whom? And who can you trust, if some criminals also wear a badge? Welcome to Sharpwood.