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      Burnout Paradise

      There's no new Burnout games or remasters in the works

      Burnout Paradise still planned for Xbox One backwards compatibility though.

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      Criterion Games, the masterminds behind the beloved Burnout games, say that we shouldn't expect a new game in the series anytime soon.

      The developer answered a few questions from fans on Twitter and the answers confirm that there are no new Burnout games in development at the time of writing.

      The question of remasters was also brought up after news earlier this week of EA renewing their interest in remastering some of their old games like Mass Effect. Sadly, however, it seems that a Burnout remaster isn't happening anytime soon, as Criterion confirmed that they aren't working on a remaster (although that doesn't mean that someone else isn't).

      However not all hope is lost for Burnout fans as Criterion Games still want Burnout Paradise on Xbox One through backwards compatibility. Criterion Games are obviously too busy working on Star Wars Battlefront: X-Wing VR Mission.

      Burnout Paradise

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