Puyo Puyo Tetris

There are some restrictions for streaming Puyo Puyo Tetris

This has to do with spoilers.

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We learned earlier this week that there'd be streaming regulations for Persona 5, but now we also know via the Japanese Puyo Puyo site (courtesy of Polygon) that there are also streaming restrictions for Puyo Puyo Tetris, a game coming this month for the Switch and PlayStation 4.

Gameplay clips for the game can apparently be shared on someone's "personal and non-profit blog, homepage and Twitter," the website says, according to Polygon, but they can't be shared on video sites for commercial use (any other is fine). This is to avoid spoilers for the game, especially the Adventure mode.

In an update sent to Polygon, Sega confirmed that these restrictions won't apply to the North American version, however, saying: "We highly encourage our American and European fans to stream Puyo Puyo Tetris when it comes out (there are no PS4 share button restrictions)," a representative told Polygon. "We want them to share their experiences with the world, but we do ask them to please be conscious of revealing Adventure Mode story cutscenes."

We also learned that Sega won't issue copyright claims, but they simply hope players are nice and respectful to each other regarding spoilers. Do you think games companies should issue streaming restrictions?

Puyo Puyo Tetris

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Puyo Puyo Tetris

REVIEW. Written by Jonas Mäki

"Two of the world's best puzzle games have been combined to create something even better."

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