Jonathan Blow enjoyed huge success with the critically acclaimed Braid, and this week he released his new game, a puzzler called The Witness (we're playing it now, expect our verdict soon). It's a different and somewhat experimental game where you're tasked with solving puzzles on an island. Some of these will, according to Blow, only be solved by 1% of players. The Witness has been through a long period of development, and even though Sony has helped it didn't come cheap.
It's safe to assume he was a bit frustrated when he posted the following message last night: "It seems The Witness is the #1 game on a certain popular torrent site. Unforunately this will not help us afford to make another game! :("
Later he also wrote that approximately 90% of the people who played Braid on PC had downloaded it illegally. This doesn't bode well for The Witness either.