The Witness

The Witness is not getting a VR edition

It would be easier to cheat, according to the game's programmer.

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At first glance, The Witness seems good candidate for the virtual reality, especially with all the support the game had from Sony, but that is not happening. Through Reddit, programmer Andrew Smith confirmed that adapting the game to virtual reality would be "problematic." In addition to noting that the movement in a world so expansive as The Witness could be hard to pull off in virtual reality, Smith noted that players could use virtual reality to cheat in some puzzles, either by crouching or tilting their heads, for example.

"[The Witness] was designed to be a traditional non-VR experience. The VR games that will really convince people are those that're designed for the format from the ground up," he added.

The Witness is now available for PC and PS4, having received an excellent score in our review. If you want to read all the questions and answers from Jonathan Blow and Andrew Smith on Reddit, click here.

The WitnessThe WitnessThe Witness

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The Witness

REVIEW. Written by Eirik Hyldbakk Furu

"You will most likely get stuck at some point, but if you get past it, you're rewarded with a wonderful experience and a sense of accomplishment."

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