The Thaumaturge

The Thaumaturge pushes release date to the 4th of March

It's just under two weeks from Fool's Theory's original release date.

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The Thaumaturge has been delayed by around two weeks. The CRPG from Fool's Theory sees you take on the titular role of a Thaumaturge as you seek to remove demons known as Salutors that have attached themselves to people.

"We're happy to share that the game is now complete, and numerous reviewers have it already in their hands," reads a post shared to Steam. "At the same time, taking February's busy launch period into account and the opening for a better release window, we've decided to take this opportunity to give The Thaumaturge more breathing room so it receives the attention we believe it deserves."

"At the same time, taking February's busy launch period into account and the opening for a better release window, we've decided to take this opportunity to give The Thaumaturge more breathing room so it receives the attention we believe it deserves."

This extra time will not only push The Thaumaturge's release date out of the danger zone, but it'll also give the game more time to be polished. It's only a couple of extra weeks to wait, and in that time we'll hopefully see more from this upcoming RPG.

The Thaumaturge

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The ThaumaturgeScore

The Thaumaturge

REVIEW. Written by Alex Hopley

Taming paranormal creatures and solving mysteries in an alternate history Warsaw sounds great on paper, but the final result leaves us lukewarm.

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