The Sandman

The Sandman will end with its second season

Showrunner Allan Heinberg claims this was always the plan, despite the recent allegations against author and creator Neil Gaiman.

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With the recent slate of allegations against author Neil Gaiman, which have seemingly got worse as the months have rolled on, it's not exactly surprising that a few different companies and parties are looking to distance themselves from the writer of Good Omens, The Sandman, American Gods, and various other works of fiction.

We've seen Amazon Prime Video do similar by changing the plan for Good Omens' third and final season, which will now not really be a season at all, and will instead just be a single lengthy episode that we're still unclear when it will debut. Now, Netflix seems to be following suit too.

Because it has been confirmed that the live-action adaptation of The Sandman is coming to an end with its second season. This has been confirmed by showrunner Allan Heinberg in a statement, where writes the following:

"The Sandman' series has always been focused exclusively on Dream's story, and back in 2022, when we looked at the remaining Dream material from the comics, we knew we only had enough story for one more season. We are extremely grateful to Netflix for bringing the team all back together and giving us the time and resources to make a faithful adaptation in a way that we hope will surprise and delight the comics' loyal readers as well as fans of our show."

While Heinberg makes it seem like this was always the plan, it is worth noting that the graphic novel series spans around 11 volumes, and the first season basically only covered the story from the first two of those volumes. While there are a handful of volumes and sections within each book that follows characters other than Dream, there is still plenty of additional story to unpack, making us wonder if there is more to this choice than the statement suggests...

Netflix does affirm that The Sandman's second season will arrive this year, but when exactly still remains unclear.

The Sandman

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