The Plucky Squire

The Plucky Squire's main story takes 8-10 hours

The developers have released some new details so you can make an informed purchase.

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In the economic times we live in, it can be difficult to buy all the games you want to play. More and more people are waiting to see a game's release rather than pre-ordering so they know what they're getting into, but the devs at All Possible Futures have taken this one step further by telling you about the necessary details of The Plucky Squire before release.

The game's main story takes about 8-10 hours to play through. For the RPG enthusiasts out there, this might seem a little short, but for many players that's the ultimate sweet spot of a gaming experience.

The game costs $29.99 digitally, and will have two difficulty modes alongside some assist options for extra accessibility. We're a week out from the launch of The Plucky Squire now, and it'll arrive on Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

The Plucky Squire

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The Plucky SquireScore

The Plucky Squire

REVIEW. Written by Jonathan Sørensen

All Possible Futures delivers a rock-solid isometric platformer with plenty of love for the giants of the genre.

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