
The Nintendo Switch sells over 150 million units

Those are some big shoes to fill, Switch 2.

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The Nintendo Switch has sold over 150 million units, as new data from Nintendo shows. While we may be in the sunset era of the console, and people are awaiting the already announced successor, it still seems Nintendo can eek out a few more Switch sales here and there.

In terms of the best-selling consoles of all-time, the Nintendo Switch retains and solidifies its place in the top 3, joined by the Nintendo DS at 154 million, and the PS2 at over 160 million. It's unlikely we'll see the original Switch knock either of those consoles off the top spot, as the Nintendo Switch 2's release is looming this year.

This data comes from Nintendo's latest financial figures, which also confirm the sales of its other consoles, including the aforementioned DS, alongside some less well-received hardware like the Wii U (selling just over 13 million consoles), and the GameCube (which sold 21 million units).

With Nintendo proving it can push a console to the very top of the best-sellers list, all eyes are on the Switch 2 to see if lightning can strike twice.

The Nintendo Switch sells over 150 million units

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