The changing of the guard is well and truly underway for the Pokémon anime now, with Ash and Pikachu only having two episodes left in their 25-year run as the series' protagonists, Liko and Roy are set to take over from the 14th of April.
As well as starring in the new anime series, it has been revealed that a manga based on the show will be produced as well. It has not been revealed what content we'll see from the new manga, as it releases on the same day as the anime, it seems unlikely it'll offer a prequel to Liko and Roy's tale.
Perhaps we'll just be getting more of the new series protagonists to flesh out their role in the Pokémon franchise and the Paldea region. So far, we've only got the cover to go off, so it's hard to tell.
As expected, this manga will only release officially in Japan, so it may be some time before we find out what it's even about.