Last year, Capcom announced that a Mega Man movie was going to be made, stating that it would aim "to appeal to a diverse audience, including not only game players but action movie fans as well, with an adaptation that maintains the world of the Mega Man games, while incorporating the grand production and entertainment value that Hollywood movies are known for".
But since then, exactly nothing has happened. No voice actors, no leaks - nothing. This has caused many people to fear it might have been cancelled shortly after being confirmed. But fear not. Rock Man Corner has discovered a signs of life from Capcom's latest financial results. Here's what it says:
"... to generate synergy with its popular games via greater global brand awareness and value, the Company has been producing world-leading content, with brands such as Street Fighter and Resident Evil being made into Hollywood movies, now followed by Monster Hunter and Mega Man, which are also scheduled for live-action film adaptation."
So there we have. Still no actual new information, but at least Capcom still claims it's coming.