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      The Evil Within

      The Evil Within on PC gets a patch...

      ...makes those black bars disappear.

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      The PC version of The Evil Within has gotten a patch, that allows users to change some of the game's graphical settings. Most notably users can now remove the black bars and toggle between 30 and 60 fps caps.

      The full list of improvement and fixes are:

      Frame lock settings added
      In settings, you can now toggle between a 30 FPS and 60 FPS cap.
      Letterbox setting
      UI toggle to disable the letterbox bars
      Fixes gameplay issues when running at >30 FPS
      Fixes for visual issues associated with removing letterbox framing
      Achievements now work when console is enabled
      Fix for game starting in windowed mode on first run
      Minor localization fixes

      The Evil Within
      Bye bye black bars (at least for the PC-version)

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      The Evil WithinScore

      The Evil Within

      REVIEW. Written by Bengt Lemne

      "If you can stomach some old school design then you're in for some proper stomach turning events."

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