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      The Evil Within

      The Evil Within is free on Epic Games Store from October 19

      Players will also be able to claim Eternal Threads until October 26.

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      Epic Games is getting into the spirit of the spooky season by offering up The Evil Within for free from October 19-26. Users will also be able to claim the first-person story-drive puzzle game Eternal Threads during the same period.

      Released in 2014, The Evil Within is a survival horror directed by Resident Evil series creator Shinji Mikami. The game received mostly positive reviews from critics at launch and was successful enough to receive a sequel in 2017.

      In our review of the game, which we published at launch, we said "Rather than the next generation of Japanese survival horror, The Evil Within serves as a greatest hits compilation that includes not just the highlights but also some of those outdated elements we'd rather forget."

      The Evil Within

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      The Evil WithinScore

      The Evil Within

      REVIEW. Written by Bengt Lemne

      "If you can stomach some old school design then you're in for some proper stomach turning events."

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