The Division

The Division down for Falcon Lost Incursion fixes

No word on whether unlimited money and massive damage exploits are being fixed.

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If you're trying to log into The Division right now, you likely wont get anywhere. The game's servers are currently down for maintenance as Ubisoft is applying a fix, but they're expected to come back online before noon.

The patch mostly deals with the Lost Falcon Incursion, fixing a couple of issues that are detailed in the patch notes below. Notably missing from those notes, however, is any mention of the two glitches that are currently rampant in the game. One of them gives the player unlimited money, while the other lets them deal ridiculous amounts of damage and take down most bosses in just two shots.

Patch notes are below.

Falcon Lost
The APC will now only take damage from C4
Characters will now be killed when going inside the spawn closet

Weapon mods added automatically to a newly crafted weapon can now be deconstructed properly

Fixed an issue where items from the Reward Claim Vendor would be granted abnormally
PC: Fixed an issue where using ASCII code in in-game chat could lead to client crash

The Division

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