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      The Devil Wears Prada

      The Devil Wears Prada is getting a sequel

      Meryl Streep will reprise her role as Miranda Priestly.

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      For what could have easily been another run of the mill chick-flick, The Devil Wears Prada managed to stand out as an all-time classic. The blue sweater monologue from Meryl Streep's Miranda Priestly is still etched in many minds.

      And so it's to no one's surprise that a sequel is in the works. Puck News reports that the sequel will revolve around Miranda Priestly in a new era where magazines simply don't sell like they used to.

      Streep is expected to return in the role of Priestly, and Emily Blunt is likely to appear, too. We're not sure on Anne Hathaway's return, but considering she was the star of the last movie, it would be strange to see it carry on without her.

      The Devil Wears Prada
      Denis Makarenko/

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