Blue Beetle

The animated Blue Beetle series premieres next year

It turns out the previously announced animated Blue Beetle series is not too far off.

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It definitely wasn't a superb movie, but it certainly wasn't a bad one either, and with a 78% average on Rotten Tomatoes, Blue Beetle definitely belongs in the upper half of superhero flicks.

That said, the timing of the release was lousy. The old DC movie universe had just been killed off, so marketing was non-existent, and it was unclear for a long time how it would be viewed in relation to the new DC universe. The answer to that question is still a bit fuzzy, and likely the answer is that it mostly belongs in Gunn's new realm, with the caveat that some details may need to change.

This leads one to suspect that the Blue Beetle will return - and indeed it will. Lead actor Xolo Maridueña (best known for Cobra Kai) has confirmed to The Direct that he will once again play Jaime Reyes, the character of Blue Beetle. This time, however, it will not be a movie, but an animated series that premieres in 2026:

"I'm ready to come back. We're hitting hard this animated project, hoping to get this settled out this year to show everyone next year."

Whether there will be more Blue Beetle elsewhere in the future is unclear, but a big success for the animated series would of course increase the chances of that. One thing is for sure, Maridueña is up for it, and says this about Gunn:

"I don't want to walk in while the chef is doing his thing. But I can say that once they're finished with this three-course meal, I'm ready."

Blue Beetle

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