After ranking the Strategists and Vanguards, it's now time for the third and final character class in Rivals - the Duellists!
(5) Mister Fantastic
The Season One update introduced us to the leader of the Fantastic Four and he's not unlike the old Dhalsim, with his enormously long rubber limbs stretching halfway across the map and slapping opponents in the face before they realise what's going on. Mister Fantastic is good, even if he can't match the top characters of the duellist class, and he's not particularly difficult to play either, which puts him on our list and a given fifth.
(4) Wolverine
Before the Season One update, Logan wasn't a character we'd even considered putting on this list but after his buff he's a given, here. The trick with Wolverine is not to play him like most people do, as a regular Tank and just step right into the fray with knives at the ready. Rather, you should trudge around in the shadows, trying to find places where it's crowded and nasty where you can box in your opponents and slash away with your claws while the enemy is pushed up against the wall and unable to escape. Wolverine requires his player to really work hard, but when used properly, he is now incredibly dangerous.
(3) Winter Soldier
Winter Soldier has been one of the strongest duelists since the launch of Rivals but has been spanked by Moon Knight as well as Psylocke and Iron Man when we previously ranked them, though no longer. The Season One update (again) made Bucky sharper and he is now properly toxic for those who learn how his abilities should best be combined. Winter Soldier now does more damage, shoots faster and his enderhook which can pull enemies towards him to finish them off, is faster since the update.
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(2) Hela
Many players seem to have realised that Thor's evil sister is one of the most toxic characters in Rivals if played properly, from afar. Her attacks can travel an entire lane without losing power, she can of course fly and her projectiles are both fast and take a lot of damage which together with her moody Nastrond Crow ability makes her a nightmare to face. Hela is the most difficult character to master on this list but for those with the right kind of patience, she is very effective.
Which duellist is your favourite in Rivals?
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(1) Hawkeye
There is still no doubt that Hawkeye is the game's sharpest duellist if he is used in the right way, something that we at the editorial office had hoped would change to some extent with the launch of Season One. It is important to play him from an elevated, protected position and to work hard on his aim. However, he has an outstanding ability to quickly get away from opponents if his position is cleared and his arrows do a ton of damage making him a must have in any offensively successful squad. His Ultimate is also a bit too powerful as we see it, right now.
With yesterday's Season One update, the character balance has changed slightly in Netease's Overwatch killer. Here are what we consider to be the top five tanks.