
Petter Hegevall

All texts by Petter Hegevall

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The studio behind Fracked is loading up on an ultra-fluid action game where you have powers beyond belief, but does Petter like it?

Text: Petter Hegevall
Twisted MetalScore

Twisted Metal

We've seen the latest live-action adaptation of a PlayStation video game series.

Text: Petter Hegevall
McGregor ForeverScore

McGregor Forever

Netflix offers an insight into Conor's life both before the broken leg and after, and mixed martial arts fanatic Hegevall has sat through the whole thing ...

Text: Petter Hegevall
Oktane Designs SEQ Shifter V2Score

Oktane Designs SEQ Shifter V2

The latest sim-racing product we've tested is a hand-built gearbox from Ohio, made from aircraft-grade aluminium, and we're thoroughly impressed.

Text: Petter Hegevall
SRP-GTR PedalsScore

SRP-GTR Pedals

Spain's Sim Racing Pro has sent us a set of their finest premium pedals and after just over a month, we're ready to hand out a rating.

Text: Petter Hegevall
Disney SpeedstormScore

Disney Speedstorm

Asphalt developers, Gameloft, has created a charmless, impersonal cash grab version of Mario Kart 8 and we're not impressed.

Text: Petter Hegevall


The screenwriters behind A Quiet Place go all out when they mix Pitch Black with Interstellar and Jurassic Park, and we've gobbled it all up.

Text: Petter Hegevall
The Last of Us: Part I on PCScore

The Last of Us: Part I on PC

After ten years of waiting, it's finally time for PC gamers to take part in what we at Gamereactor consider to be one of the best games of all time, but does it really measure up?

Text: Petter Hegevall
JBL Live FlexScore

JBL Live Flex

JBL has borrowed the design from Apple Airpods to offer an in-ear headphone that won't irritate your inner ear too much.

Text: Petter Hegevall
We Have a GhostScore

We Have a Ghost

The director behind Paranormal Activity offers a colourful little comedy about a lost wind ghost and Hegevall is not very impressed...

Text: Petter Hegevall
Gran Turismo 7 on PS VR2

Gran Turismo 7 on PS VR2

We've been sitting with our PS VR2 headset on, racing our favourite cars in Polyphony's latest racing title, and we're hugely impressed.

Text: Petter Hegevall
Thrustmaster T818 Wheel BaseScore

Thrustmaster T818 Wheel Base

French company Thrustmaster has released their very first direct drive-wheelbase and our designated sim-racing fanatic Petter Hegevall is not impressed.

Text: Petter Hegevall
Sonic PrimeScore

Sonic Prime

The new Sonic series on Netflix is a lot fun for younger fans of the blue hedgehog.

Text: Petter Hegevall
HyperX Armada 27Score

HyperX Armada 27

The people behind the brilliant Cloud Alpha Wireless gaming headset have released their first gaming monitor and we've tested it.

Text: Petter Hegevall