Super Meat Boy
A challenging piece of meat doesn't sound very tasty, but tasty is just what Team Meat's juicy platformer is.
Text: Jonas Elfving (Gamereactor Sweden)

Front Mission Evolved
A Western developer gets to remake a classic Japanese game series, this time in a completely new genre. Mikael has made New York a bit less safe in his giant robot...
Text: Mikael Sundberg (Gamereactor Sweden)

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light
Lasse has dragged along four heroes on a journey that was difficult at times through a game that will appeal to longtime Final Fantasy fans.
Text: Lasse Borg (Gamereactor Denmark)

Mirror's Edge (iPhone)
Mirror's Edge hits iPhone and iPod Touch and Mikael has been jumping on rooftops once again...
Text: Mikael Sundberg (Gamereactor Sweden)

EA Sports MMA
EA Sports steps up to challenge THQ and UFC for the belt. Does EA Sports MMA have what it takes to dethrone the champion?

Jonas has gone up against gigantic mechanical monsters, crashed some spaceships and fired a lot of guns.
Text: Jonas Mäki (Gamereactor Sweden)

Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes
Capcom brings their Japanese hit Sengoku Basara to Europe and Mikael has been swinging his ten feet sword all week long.
Text: Mikael Sundberg (Gamereactor Sweden)

Medal of Honor
EA have high ambitions for their reboot of the Medal of Honor-franchise. Rasmus has gone to a virtual Afghanistan to find out if the game can live up the high expectations.
Text: Rasmus Lund-Hansen (Gamereactor Denmark)
Tron: Evolution
Gamereactor went to London to try out the upcoming Tron: Evolution, which promises to tie movie and game together in new ways.
Text: Emil Ryttergaard (Gamereactor Denmark)

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I
After 16 years Sonic the Hedgehog 3 finally gets a proper sequel. And although much remains the same, there are also a lot of differences.
Text: Jonas Mäki (Gamereactor Sweden)
By using a clever battle point system, Homefront wants to give the old FPS-genre a new twist. But will it work?
Text: Christian Gaca (Gamereactor Germany)

WRC (2010)
Rally expert Petter Hegevall have been busy finding the best line through Milestone's long awaited official WRC title.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Zombies and trolls, werewolves and vampires beware - the original monster slayer is back! Mikael has taken a dive into a proper restart of Konami's classic series...
Text: Mikael Sundberg (Gamereactor Sweden)

The Last Airbender
The Last Airbender is surprise, surprise - a piece of utter crap. Love forced himself to play through this awful licensed mess.
Text: Love Bolin (Gamereactor Sweden)

Wii Party
Nintendo is once again throwing a party, but this time Mario and the rest of the gang from the Mushroom Kingdom get to stay home. The Miis are the only ones invited...
Text: Jonas Mäki (Gamereactor Sweden)

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
Monkey and Trip journey west in Ninja Theory's latest title. Jonas Elfving has guided the unlikely duo through a beautiful landscape.
Text: Jonas Elfving (Gamereactor Sweden)
Atsushi Inaba on Vanquish
Atsushi Inaba is the producer of Vanquish, an extremely intense shooter, something we talked about during his visit to Munich.
Text: Christian Gaca (Gamereactor Germany)

Ninety-Nine Nights II
Q Entertainment return with another festival of violence. This time an internet celebrity has taken over as director and Viktor has fought down a million and one clones.
Text: Viktor Eriksson (Gamereactor Sweden)

NHL Slapshot
Hockey without violence, cute little peewees, and a short plastic stick. Love has been hitting the ice..
Text: Love Bolin (Gamereactor Sweden)

Phantasy Star Portable 2
Phantasy Star goes online once again, and Sophie has picked up her PSP to find out if it's everything it used to be...
Text: Sophie Warnie de Humelghem (Gamereactor Sweden)
Keiji Inafune on zombies
Dead Rising 2 has just reached store shelves and we had the chance to sit down with Capcom's Keiji Inafune to discuss zombies in general and Dead Rising in particular...
Text: Jonas Elfving (Gamereactor Sweden)

Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock
Neversoft is saying good bye to the Guitar Hero-franchise with a final game, returning to their rocking roots with distorted guitars and some changes to the gameplay. Rock or roll on?
Text: Jonas Elfving (Gamereactor Sweden)
Hands-on: Rock Band 3
Our music game expert Jonas Elfving travelled to Boston to hang out with Harmonix, and try the new instruments and game modes.
Text: Jonas Elfving (Gamereactor Sweden)

F1 2010
Codemasters have taken over the Formula One license, and F1 geek Jesper Karlsson has been taking F1 2010 for a drive...
Text: Jesper Karlsson (Gamereactor Sweden)

Civilization V
Sid Meier's Civilization, the series for everyone that dreams about world domination, is back and we've once again enjoyed its classic and addictive strategy formula.
Text: Lasse Borg (Gamereactor Denmark)

NHL 11
EA Sports continue to dominate the hockey rink with yet another fantastic game. Gamereactor Sweden's Jesper Karlsson has enjoyed physics based tackles and an improved AI in NHL 11.
Text: Jesper Karlsson (Gamereactor Sweden)

Dragon Age: Origins - Witch Hunt
Sophie has been hunting all across the land for what might be the most popular character in the world of Dragon Age.
Text: Sophie Warnie de Humelghem (Gamereactor Sweden)

Worms Reloaded
The series as old as the dirt itself wriggles back to its classic roots. Lorenzo Mosna opens a can of worms in his Worms Reloaded review...
Text: Lorenzo Mosna (Gamereactor Italy)

Halo: Reach
"The time has come for Bungie's farewell to the Halo series, and they bid farewell with the biggest and most epic chapter in the series to date."
Text: Jonas Mäki (Gamereactor Sweden)

Sports Champions
Can Playstation Move's extensive collection of sporting activities truly be a Wii Sports beater? Or will it reduce us to a sweaty and disappointed heap? Our review is here...
Text: Jonas Elfving (Gamereactor Sweden)

Kung Fu Rider
What would you do if the Chinese triad was trying to chase you down? Hop on an office chair and ride for dear life, what else?
Text: Jonas Elfving (Gamereactor Sweden)

Start the Party
Lee West begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting wanted to start a party, but even if there was plenty of movement it felt more like a wake.
Text: Lee West (Gamereactor Denmark)

Bioshock 2 - Minerva's Den
We get to delve down into the depths of Rapture once more and suit up as a Big Daddy in Minerva's Den, the ultimate DLC for BioShock 2...
Text: Emil Ryttergaard (Gamereactor Denmark)

And Yet It Moves
In And Yet it Moves you are the one doing the spinning, and you have to master your spinning in order to progress through platform levels...
Text: Jonas Elfving (Gamereactor Sweden)

H.A.W.X. 2
Mikael feels like Tom Cruise as he jumps up and down in his couch fighting off evil separatists in the latest Tom Clancy title. Bombs away!
Text: Mikael Sundberg (Gamereactor Sweden)

Metroid: Other M
The team behind Ninja Gaiden has been tasked with bringing back Nintendo's classic Metroid-series and our Swedish editor Petter Hegevall has gone on the hunt together with Samus Aran.
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Jonas travelled to Los Angeles to play a bit of Call of Duty: Black Ops multiplayer. It is sometimes said that blood is currency, and that's true for the Wager Mode in Black Ops.
Text: Jonas Mäki (Gamereactor Sweden)

Mafia 2
The life as a brand new gangster in 2K Czech's sequel is hard - something that an euphoric editor has learned when trying to turn himself into a fully fledged mafioso...

Monday Night Combat
Defence towers, robots, and moneyballs. Jonas has thrown himself head first into the gladiator games of the future.
Text: Jonas Elfving (Gamereactor Sweden)

Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4
Harry Potter, Hogwarts and Voldemort have all been turned into Danish Lego. Does the TT Games Lego-formula still work?
Text: Jonas Mäki (Gamereactor Sweden)