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Who Won E3?

Who Won E3?

Editors from across the Gamereactor network agree on one thing: it's been a good year.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
An A-Z Guide to Games at E3

An A-Z Guide to Games at E3

What we're looking forward to from this year's show, in alphabetical order.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
E3: The Guessing Game

E3: The Guessing Game

There's plenty of rumours swirling out there about this year's show. We run down the list and call whether they're likely to happen or not.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
Latest Gamereactor Magazine out now

Latest Gamereactor Magazine out now

Issue 11's packed with a massive Destiny feature with exclusive info, our Mario Kart 8 verdict, a discussion on the art of Child of Light and more.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
Games to Look For: May

Games to Look For: May

GRTV's latest round up of what's coming to your living rooms in the next few weeks.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
GR Retro: Xevious

GR Retro: Xevious

We head back to 1983 aboard the good ship Solvalou to rediscover one of the first vertical scrolling shooters.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
GRTV: Rare talks up Kinect Sports Rivals

GRTV: Rare talks up Kinect Sports Rivals

Watch a demonstration and listen to Rare's Harry Robinson and Nick Burton talk motion controls, new features and more.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
Mantle vs DirectX 11

Mantle vs DirectX 11

Is AMD's new technology the right alternative to DirectX? See inside, with some surprising benchmarks with Battlefield 4 and Star Swarm...

Text: Gamereactor Staff
The Best of Clancy

The Best of Clancy

As we march towards The Division, we take a look back on those Tom Clancy-inspired titles that make their namesake proud.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
PlayStation 4: One Month On

PlayStation 4: One Month On

PlayStation 4 launched in Europe on November 29 and we've been playing ever since, finding things we really like and things we'd like to see improve.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
Xbox One: One Month On

Xbox One: One Month On

So it's been over a month (and change) since we've adjusted to having the Xbox 360's successor in our homes. We weigh up what, so far, has been working for us, and more importantly, what we're disagreeing with.

Text: Gamereactor Staff
GRTV Highlights

GRTV Highlights

Easy on the eye...

Text: Gamereactor Staff