E3 2014 Trailer Awards
The best of this year's trailers.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Who Won E3?
Editors from across the Gamereactor network agree on one thing: it's been a good year.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Ultimate Team - Bigger than FIFA?
A new look at EA Sports simulator's most popular mode.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
An A-Z Guide to Games at E3
What we're looking forward to from this year's show, in alphabetical order.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Major issues with Wolfenstein on PC
Wide spread reports of framerate issues.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Let's Speculate: What's next Rockstar?
Rockstar are working on an announced game for new-gen consoles. We theorise what that game might be.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
E3: The Guessing Game
There's plenty of rumours swirling out there about this year's show. We run down the list and call whether they're likely to happen or not.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
GRTV: Mario Kart 8's Lightning Cup and Special Cup
Get a glimpse of the tracks from two of MK8's Cups.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Today on Gamereactor Live: Bound by Flame
Join us from 3pm for our newest live show, as we explore Spiders Studio's action RPG.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Excited Expectation: 7 E3 titles we can't wait to see
We hardly know anything about them, yet they're the reason why we're looking forward to E3. Here's seven games to be excited about next month, and why.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Latest Gamereactor Magazine out now
Issue 11's packed with a massive Destiny feature with exclusive info, our Mario Kart 8 verdict, a discussion on the art of Child of Light and more.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Compo: Win Xbox One and Titanfall with Sabotage
Winner gets console and game, runner up a DVD collection of the action genre's best.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Games to Look For: May
GRTV's latest round up of what's coming to your living rooms in the next few weeks.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Gamereactor's most active user crowned
SirThomas takes home this week's prize.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
How do you get Pikachu on a bus?
Win a 3DS XL and copy of Pokémon!
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Gamereactor Friday Nights: Devastation with Tyt
Join today's match-up to fight alongside premier COD players, win prizes.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
GR Retro: Xevious
We head back to 1983 aboard the good ship Solvalou to rediscover one of the first vertical scrolling shooters.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Gamereactor Live Today: Heroes of the Storm
Come join Rasmus and Thomas for two hours of MOBA action.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
PS4's The Last of Us Remastered appears on PSN
Title spotted on digital store before being pulled.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Introducing Gamereactor's Gamepedia
Creating the definitive guide to your favourite video games.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
GRTV: Watch us race on four tracks from Mario Kart 8
Video of Mario Circuit, Toad Harbour, Water Park and Sweet Sweet Canyon.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Want a War Thunder: Ground Forces PC beta key?
We got a bunch of the blighters to give away. Just click through to get yours.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
See Infamous: Second Son on today's Gamereactor Live
Livestream gets look at Sucker punch sequel ahead of tomorrow's launch - and we've a copy of the game to giveaway.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Call of Duty e-Sports players join GR Friday Nights
Call of Duty veterans Benson and Puckett head up this week's online matches.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
GRTV: Rare talks up Kinect Sports Rivals
Watch a demonstration and listen to Rare's Harry Robinson and Nick Burton talk motion controls, new features and more.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
You want in on the Elder Scrolls Online beta? You got it.
Click this way for your own access code to the MMO this weekend before supplies run out.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
HMV offer 70% off pre-owned games
Retailer won't be restocking after promotion.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
New Gamereactor iPad Edition released
Free digital mag - including our Racing Special - now available on Apple Newsstand.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Mantle vs DirectX 11
Is AMD's new technology the right alternative to DirectX? See inside, with some surprising benchmarks with Battlefield 4 and Star Swarm...
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Cheaters captured in Titanfall
We captured some footage of speedy hackers in the Titanfall beta.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Daily Highlights: Monday 3rd Feb
PC ports, Interviews, old Fables.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Source: GTAV PC pre-orders coming to UK retail
Nordic store confirms postponed pre-orders, while an online retailer points to release date.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Pre-orders for GTAV on PC starting this Friday
Retailer confirms reservations taking place.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Ultra HD screens from Bugbear's Next Car Game
We've captured these ourselves.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
The Best of Clancy
As we march towards The Division, we take a look back on those Tom Clancy-inspired titles that make their namesake proud.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
PlayStation 4: One Month On
PlayStation 4 launched in Europe on November 29 and we've been playing ever since, finding things we really like and things we'd like to see improve.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Xbox One: One Month On
So it's been over a month (and change) since we've adjusted to having the Xbox 360's successor in our homes. We weigh up what, so far, has been working for us, and more importantly, what we're disagreeing with.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
"The Division won't see release in 2014"
Developer source reveals the game is far from being completed.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
GRTV Live Replay: 2014 Predictions
Gamereactor staff on what they're looking forward to in the next twelve months.
Text: gamereactor Staff
GRTV: Developer's Choice Game of the Year
Game developers offer their picks for Best of 2013.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Gamereactor UK's Game of the Year
And the best game of 2013 was...
Text: Gamereactor Staff
GRTV Highlights
Easy on the eye...
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Next-gen Buyer's Guide
Still undecided? Let us help...
Text: Gamereactor Staff
The Best Previews and Articles of December
Highlights from the past few weeks.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
14 for 2014: Previews coming to GR-UK
We take a look at some of our most anticipated titles of next year.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
GRTV's Game of the Year Shows
Three shows discussing the best of 2013.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Join Friday Nights, win Turtle Beach Ear Force Shadow Headsets
Prizes going to top scorers come event's end.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Xbox One not hitting delayed regions until Q3 2014?
Unlucky territories could end up facing a ten month delay.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Gamereactor Friday Nights: Come join the Extinction
Our Call of Duty: Ghosts event hits the UK today. Here's what you need to know.
Text: Gamereactor Staff
Win! Call of Duty: Ghosts Prestige Edition
We partner up with Activision ahead of our first UK Gamereactor Friday Nights.
Text: Gamereactor Staff