Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series received its fourth episode last month, and now we know when the series will conclude, as the studio revealed we'll be getting Episode 5: Don't Stop Believin' on November 7.
"In the aftermath of an unbearable sacrifice, the Guardians finally fracture. With her opposition in shambles, Hala renews her campaign of death and devastation, carving a path of indiscriminate destruction en route to Knowhere. If he hopes to avoid catastrophe (and save his own skin), Star-Lord must search his feelings, reunite his team, and mount one final mission to save the galaxy...again," the official description reads.
What's more is we now have a trailer to get you in the mood again, but we should say that this may well contain big spoilers if you have yet to play Episode 4. Has this been one of the best Telltale series?