Today, Tomonobu Itagaki may not be a name everyone is familiar with anymore, but in the early 2000s he was one of Japan's most famous video game producers.
He gained most of his attention for his often outrageous quotes and open criticism of competitors' games, but he actually backed it up with quality, mainly with Dead or Alive 3 and Ninja Gaiden, but also with the somewhat infamous Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball. However, the saga came to an end in 2008 when he left Tecmo after a heated disagreement, and since then he hasn't really made it back in the big leagues.
One of the people he had a beef with is Tekken series strongman Katsuhiro Harada, and in an insanely long X post, Harada has now decided to give his side of the story. It gives a lot of explanations like why Harada didn't respond to criticism from Itagaki, praise for Itagaki, information about their early history together, and a pretty deep look into what game development was like in the late 90s and early 00s, before ending with the status of their relationship today.
The post takes a little while to wade through, but both Itagaki and Harada are two of the most fascinating people in Japanese game development, and if you want to know more about game history, you should definitely take the time to read it all.