
Tearaway's creator on darker middle act, emotional bond

Rex Crowie discusses how the three act structure of PS Vita will unravel, and bringing you and the character together.

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Come the closing hour of this year's E3, we managed to grab a brief chat with Tearaway's lead creator Rex Crowle to discuss the project.

He discussed how the game would shift from the english folklore of the first region to a "darker" tone later on.

"The middle section is the more dangerous, challenging - darker - middle act," he described. "Then towards the end of the game you really start to get the feel that the entire world is unraveling, and we really play with the fact that you're slipping outside the game world and anything goes. People are going to be going 'what is going on here?'"

Crowle also sees the emotional connection between player and messenger as important.

"We really wanted to get this emotional bond. As they're going on this journey all the time they're looking up at the horizon and they're seeing the sun up there. The sun's got this giant hole ripped in it and its your face peeking in and they're trying to get to you, looking up at you and not sure what kind of being you are."

You can watch the full GRTV interview for more below.


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