
Take yourself off the beaten path in cosy racing game Over the Hill

Freely roam around a gorgeous world in your soon-to-be muddy off-road vehicle.

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Not a lot of us get to see enough nature nowadays, and if in these cold winter months you can't bring yourself to go out exploring the wilderness, the new casual racing exploration game Over the Hill is taking us off the tracks and into the unknown.

Coming from indie racing developer Funselektor, Over the Hill allows you to explore vast mountain ranges, summer meadows, and plenty more environments in this casual exploration game. If you don't want to go it alone, you can bring a friend along, too.

You won't just be looking at the pretty sights, either, as there are things to collect and objectives to complete in this world, too. The game currently doesn't have a release date, but you can wishlist Over the Hill on Steam right now. Check out the trailer below:


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