Surviving Mars

Surviving Mars is getting its first expansion on November 15

Space Race will introduce rival colonies, plus Japan and Brazil as mission sponsors.

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Life on Mars is about to get a lot more crowded with Space Race, the upcoming Surviving Mars expansion. Coming on November 15, Space race will focus on introducing rival colonies, colonies that will also race to accomplish milestones, although some might actually end up becoming allies. There will also be new mission sponsors - Brazil and Japan -, supporting either you or your competition, each of which come to the proverbial party with their own set of goals.

Space Race will also introduce new narrative events, 25 new buildings, and a brand new radio station with new songs. The expansion will cost £10.29 / €12.99.

Surviving Mars

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Surviving MarsScore

Surviving Mars

REVIEW. Written by Roy Woodhouse

"It's a very open experience with lots of things to discover and plenty to do."

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