Super Mario Galaxy 2

Super Mario Galaxy 2 headlines Wii titles on Wii U eShop

Nintendo announces plans to distribute Wii classics digitally.

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During today's Nintendo Direct it was announced that a number of classis Wii titles will be added to the Wii U eShop while the need to run Wii titles through a separate boot up is being done away with.

The first game Super Mario Galaxy 2 hits eShop today, with Donkey Kong Country Returns arriving on January 22 and Metroid Prime Trilogy on January 29. Kirby's Adventure Wii, Pandora's Tower, Punch-Out!! and Sin & Punishment were also confirmed.

Interestingly all titles will retail at half price in their first week (£8.99) before the full price (£17.99) is introduced. An interesting approach that will no doubt see Nintendo fans rush to buy their favourite Wii titles or ones they missed out on in that first week.

Super Mario Galaxy 2

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Super Mario Galaxy 2Score

Super Mario Galaxy 2

REVIEW. Written by Jonas Elfving

"The greatness of Super Mario Galaxy 2 lies in the details. Those little things you won't notice immediately, but that bring something extra to the experience."

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