Super Mario Galaxy 2

Suda 51 wants to make a very weird Super Mario game

"It's like a road movie in a car."

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Japanese game creator Suda 51 (Killer 7, No More Heroes) has communicated an idea for a potential Mario game, and of course it's exactly as weird and exciting as his previous productions. In an interview with IGN, he said this regarding his idea:

"So this really bad guy's captured Luigi, so Mario and Bowser become friends and they go together...It's like a road movie in a car. So they go from the south to the north and just go through it, like through America. I think it'd be great to make a Mario game like that."

Even though we of course know this will never happen, we would sure like to play Suda 51's Mario game. How about you?

Super Mario Galaxy 2

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Super Mario Galaxy 2

REVIEW. Written by Jonas Elfving

"The greatness of Super Mario Galaxy 2 lies in the details. Those little things you won't notice immediately, but that bring something extra to the experience."

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