
Stream Xbox One games to Windows 10 in 1080p & 60fps

This and more in the August update.

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Microsoft has updated the Xbox app in Windows 10, and it will now allow those who use both platforms to establish a significant link between the Xbox One and PC.

The major feature in the update is the ability to stream games, from the Xbox One to Windows 10, at 1080p and at 60 frames per second. To activate this resolution you'll need to change the Game Streaming settings on the app to "Very High".

The update also includes some shortcuts, allowing players to invite or send messages to friends by right clicking on their names, a "Recently Played" list, and a feature to directly compare Achievements with a friend. The update also addresses some issues with the app itself, including problems with the sign-in feature and language localisation.

You can get the full details regarding the update over on Microsoft community man Major Nelson's blog.

Stream Xbox One games to Windows 10 in 1080p & 60fps

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