The Dark Knight

Steven Spielberg thinks The Dark Knight deserved a Best Picture nod

The acclaimed director believes the film would've certainly made the nominees list were it released today.

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Steven Spielberg has recently stated he believes the 2008 film The Dark Knight would've wound up on shortlist for Best Picture at the Academy Awards were it released today.

As Deadline reports, this is due to the fact that today the Oscars' Best Picture category is expanded to include ten films. Spielberg is glad to see the expansion, and the fact that now the Best Picture category can include blockbusters like Top Gun: Maverick and Avatar: The Way of Water.

"It came late for the film that should have been nominated a number of years ago," Spielberg said. "Christopher Nolan's, The Dark Knight. That movie would have definitely garnered a Best Picture Nomination today, so having these two blockbusters solidly presented on the top 10 list is something we should all be celebrating."

What do you think? Was The Dark Knight deserving of a Best Picture nod? The film won Heath Ledger a Best Supporting Actor role after his unfortunate passing in 2008.

The Dark Knight
Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

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