Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws' WiId Card DLC launches today alongside Steam release

A new patch is also available for all players, removing forced stealth.

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Star Wars Outlaws has made the jump to Steam. As well as being available on Valve's platform, the game has also launched its Wild Card DLC today. Wild Card is the first story pack for Star Wars Outlaws, spinning a new thread on Kay Vess' tale.

In Wild Card, players will have to infiltrate a high-stakes Sabacc tournament, where Kay will meet with Lando Calrissian. It's not just money that's on the line in this tournament, and soon Kay discovers the dark secrets within. If you want to get stuck into Wild Card, you'll have to have first completed the Gunsmith and The High Roller quests from the main story. The DLC will be made automatically available for Season Pass owners, or it can be bought individually.

Alongside the DLC launch and the Steam debut comes a new patch for Star Wars Outlaws which seeks to remove the forced stealth aspects of the game. Most games that would prefer you take a stealthy route still allow for you to open fire when you get discovered, and that seamless transition is being added to Star Wars Outlaws, adding greater player agency overall.


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Star Wars OutlawsScore

Star Wars Outlaws

REVIEW. Written by Magnus Groth-Andersen

Massive delivers the better of their two big IP game interpretations that uses simple gameplay to unlock bigger achievements.

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