Tron: Ares

Star Wars Jedi's Cameron Monaghan teases big things for Tron: Ares

"I think this one ... is going to really push forward what can be done, from a visual perspective."

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Well over a decade since we last sat down in a theatre to see a Tron movie, Disney is looking to bring the light cycles and funky suits back in Tron: Ares. Starring Jared Leto of all people, this return to the franchise is picking up steam to debut in late 2025.

Leto is joined by Cameron Monaghan, star of the Star Wars Jedi games. Speaking to Collider, Monaghan recently teased the impressive visuals of Tron: Ares. First, he shared his appreciation for the previous films, even Tron: Legacy.

"That's a movie that, I think, has now grown a cult fandom, in a similar way that the original Tron did as well, where people thought it was very technologically cool but it's continued to grow," he said. "Tron Legacy, I just saw projected in 35MM at the New Beverly last year, and it really holds up, and has that amazing soundtrack by Daft Punk. So I like that those movies have a number of years of separation between them. They don't come out very often, and every time they do, they show a new era of technology and filmmaking."

"I think [Tron: Ares], in a very similar way, is going to really push forward what can be done, from a visual perspective. I would sometimes even come in on days I wasn't working, because that set was really amazing. A lot of the practical sets were pretty phenomenal, and I would love to go look at those as well," he added.

It's interesting to hear that practical sets are being used for the upcoming Tron film. A series known for its visual effects, one could have presumed that we'd only see actors in mocap suits working in front of blue screens.

Tron: Ares

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