We finally have a price tag for PlayStation 5, which is $399 for the Digital Edition (no Blu-ray) and $499 for the regular one (with Blu-ray). This is in line with recent speculation and probably less than many people thought just a few months ago. But the price is probably so cheap that Sony loses money on each sold unit (something that is true for Microsoft as well), and this must, of course, be covered somewhere else.
While Microsoft seems to bet it all on Xbox Game Pass and the Xbox All Access concept (get your console and Xbox Game Pass without paying anything upfront, and have a monthly fee for two years), Sony has instead opted for raised prices on games, it seems, and its biggest titles have been raised to a whopping £70.
It has now confirmed that Demon's Souls, Destruction All Stars and Marvel's Spider-Man: Mile Morales Ultimate Edition will cost £69,99 in retail, with the family game Sackboy: A Big Adventure costing £59,99.
Previously, both Take-Two and Activision raised prices next generation, and it seems Sony is going that route as well. As games on discs usually are a lot cheaper than those sold through the console holders digital stores. Will these prices make you more or less inclined to buy games on discs?