
Soma out now on Xbox One complete with Safe Mode

The pressure just lifted in Frictional's underwater adventure.

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Soma is a wonderfully atmospheric adventure game that originally debuted on PC and PS4 back in 2015. Now Frictional Games' deepsea adventure game is about to surface once again, this time on Xbox One. What's perhaps most interesting about it is the Safe Mode that is landing alongside the new version of the game. Both PC and Xbox players (the mode is coming to PS4 at a later date) will be able to play the game without the threat of harm, a shift that'll undoubtedly change the experience to quite a degree. Perhaps a more peaceful overall experience will appeal to a wider audience?


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REVIEW. Written by Mike Holmes

"If you want a title to hold you in its deathly grip during the ever lengthening autumn evenings, this is an experience well worth braving."

GOG.com offers up Soma free of charge

GOG.com offers up Soma free of charge

NEWS. Written by Bengt Lemne

GOG.com is offering a free copy of the rather great horror game Soma from Amnesia developers Frictional Games as part of their Winter Sale promotion, just head on over to...

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