Solium Infernum

Solium Infernum does away with the most frustrating aspects of online strategy

You won't need to worry about finding a 5-hour slot to play this game.

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Solium Infernum looks to be a strategy game like no other, and at Gamescom we caught up with senior technical designer Will Dyce to talk about some of the game's core features and how it stands out from the crowd.

Apart from trying to be "the worst person possible" as Will describes, Solium Infernum is about trying to take over Pandemonium which is basically the capital of hell. In order to do this, we're going to need our thinking caps on but we'll also require a lot of time. However, this is something that doesn't have to be done in one sitting, and you can actually spread out a game however you like.

"You can play the long-form asynchronous game, either match-made or custom, where you can change how many hours you have to submit your turns," he explains. "The default is 24 hours, but you could say you have 72 hours or something. And you can also play a Blitz mode where you go five-minute turns and have everyone playing at once with slightly tweaked balancing so that you can get the game done in like 90 minutes."

"So it's very flexible. You can play it in different ways and really the game goes as quickly as your friends. If your friends are very slow to submit your turns, it could take ages.
I have a game of the original Solemn Infernum that's been going on since Christmas and still going strong. We've really gotten to know each other. Not necessarily in a positive light."

So, if you've got a friend who can't help but ponder the orb when they're taking their turns, it doesn't matter in Solium Infernum, and you can take them as quickly or as slowly as you like. Check out our full interview below and our preview of the game here.


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