In some severe cases, users will be unable to access the DLC they have purchased.
Late last month it was confirmed that Sony is in fact closing the stores for PlayStation 3, PSP and PS Vita this summer. This mainly means you will not be able to buy games digitally for these formats anymore, which also leads to at least 138 titles being unobtainable in the future.
But it seems like this might have other consequences as well, as noted by several users on the PSN Profiles forums. A lot of games that you own, simply won't let you download patches anymore. Amongst them are major titles like Gran Turismo 5, Journey, Little Big Planet: Game of the Year Edition and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. This means that if you own these games and re-download them, you will be stuck with the basic unpatched version.
And to make things even worse, not having the latest patches does in some cases lock you out from downloading DLC you have bought. It's worth pointing out that not being able to download patches affects people playing physical games as well. The PSN Profiles user DeidaraTV has summed up all known games that have this issue:
007 Legends - (USA, Disc) [*N/A*]
Battlefield 4 - (EU, Digital) [*N/A*]
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - (USA, Disc) [*Some players are having trouble downloading the Patch regardless of Region*]
Colin McRae: Dirt 2 - (JPN, Disc) [*N/A*]
Dante's Inferno - (USA, Disc) [*N/A*]
Dark Void - (EU, Disc) [*Some players are having trouble downloading the Patch regardless of Region. The problem can be fixed: "boot-up the game then let it sit on the patch notification screen until the Hard Drive light stops flashing. Once the light stops flashing, press X to start the download"*]
Dead Nation - (EU, Digital) [*N/A*]
Fuel - (JPN, Disc) [*N/A*]
Dungeon Siege III - (EU, Disc) [*If you install the DLC before installing the game data, a Data error will occur. The problem can be fixed: deleting the DLC Data and later it will be possible to start and install the Patch and re-download the DLC correctly.*]
flOw - (USA, Digital) [*N/A*]
Ghostbusters: The Video Game - (EU, Disc) [*N/A*]
Gran Turismo 5 - (EU, Disc) [*N/A*]
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle - (EU, Disc) [*Campaign+Characters DLC no more available in PS Store* - Platinum/100% OBTAINABLE]
Journey - (EU, Digital) [*N/A*]
Just Cause 2 - () [*Some players are having trouble downloading the Patch regardless of Region. The problem can be fixed: "boot-up the game then let it sit on the patch notification screen until the Hard Drive light stops flashing. Once the light stops flashing, press X to start the download"*]
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga - (EU, Disc) [*N/A*]
Little Big Planet: Game of the Year Edition - (EU, Disc) [*N/A*]
Mahjong Tales: Ancient Wisdom - (EU, Digital) [*N/A*]
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike Online Edition - (USA, Digital) [*Some players are having trouble downloading the Patch regardless of Region*]
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - (USA, Disc) [*N/A*]
Top Spin 3 - (EU, Disc) [*N/A*]
Twisted Metal - (EU, Disc) [*N/A*]
White Knight Chronicles International Edition - (EU, Disc) [*N/A*]
It seems like preserving old games might become a real issue sooner than some people might have thought. Are you worried that older games might simply be lost to time?