
Several movies get "outdated values" warning on Sky

A number of all-time classics have just got a warning on Sky Cinema.

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Our world is changing fast, and some things that were acceptable even just a few years ago can now be seen as troubling or upsetting, and the further back you look the more troubling the attitudes are towards, well... anyone who isn't a white cis male really.

Sky Cinema is moving with the times, and it has just issued an extra warning label for "outdated values" in 16 classic movies. This list includes examples such as Aliens, The Goonies, Dumbo, Gone With The Wind, Lawrence of Arabia, Tropic Thunder, The Jazz Singer, The Littlest Rebel, The Lone Ranger, Balls of Fury, and The Last Samurai.

For example, James Cameron's sci-fi action classic Aliens, which starred Sigourney Weaver, now has a warning like this:

"This film has outdated attitudes, language and cultural depictions which may cause offence today. Sci-fi sequel starring Sigourney Weaver. Contains violence."

Another notable example is 1939's Gone With The Wind, which has "racist depictions". Sky Cinema still has the movie in its selection, meanwhile, HBO Max has completely removed the film from its streaming service.

Several movies get "outdated values" warning on Sky
Photo: IMDB

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