Family Guy

Seth MacFarlane reveals the secret behind one of Family Guy's most-iconic moments

"It insists upon itself, Lois."

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Just when the Griffin family are neck-deep in water and about to drown, Peter decides to share a massively controversial bit of information. "I did not care for The Godfather," he says, forcing everyone to immediately forget the life-threatening situation they're in and start berating him for his taste in film.

Peter puts up a decent argument, but we don't think he really wins anyone over with this cold take. Seth MacFarlane, voice of Peter and creator of Family Guy, revealed the scene was inspired not by someone disliking The Godfather, but another classic film instead.

"'It insists upon itself' was a criticism my college film history professor used to explain why he didn't think The Sound of Music was a great film," MacFarlane wrote. "First-rate teacher, but I never quite followed that one."

Of course, we all have our tastes, but there are some films that you don't really critique, even if you don't think they're that great. What's your hottest take on a classic film?

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