After the events of Avengers: Endgame, we were left without the two real pillars of the Avengers in Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. With the MCU not feeling quite the same since their departure, a lot of fans want one or both to come back in some form. It seems the studio wants that too, as we've got RDJ playing Doctor Doom in the new Avengers film.
At Comic Con Liverpool (thanks, Comic Basis), Sebastian Stan was asked which character he would like to see return. "Steve Rogers," he said. "We could probably do with a prequel before Captain America: The First Avenger. So we could really learn, maybe more about their friendship... Their relationship."
Or, if Rogers' return isn't on the cards, Stan has an idea for a more Winter Soldier-based movie. "We can even do a prequel to before Captain America: The Winter Soldier where we're actually seeing what happened with him," he said. "We never really explore that. We always see him towards the very end of his Winter Soldier Arc. But when he had this other double life, where he taught [Natasha Romanov] how to be Black Widow."
Which movie would you want to see?