Final Fantasy XV

Save up to 60% in the PS Store up until May 24

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A post on the PlayStation blog has revealed that a number of savings are coming to the PS Store, as from now until May 24 you can get up to 60% off a number of titles as part of the May Savings offer.

Titles reduced include Rainbow Six: Siege, which is reduced from £29.99 to £15.99; Doom, which is reduced from £49.99 to £11.99; Final Fantasy XV, reduced from £49.99 to £29.99; and Dragon Quest Heroes II, reduced from £34.99 to £11.99.

Which bargains will you be picking up.

Final Fantasy XV

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Final Fantasy XVScore

Final Fantasy XV

REVIEW. Written by Jonas Mäki

"It feels like the series should feel, but adapted for a modern audience, and we're so glad that Tabata pulled this massive project together in the way that he did."

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