A Nightmare on Elm Street was a huge success when it hit cinemas in 1984, scaring moviegoers from sleeping afterwards. Six sequels were then released and in 2010 a remake of the first film was even released with Jackie Earle Haley as dream killer Freddy Krueger. Since then, we haven't seen another movie due to rights issues. However, many people are hoping to revisit Springwood, including actor Samara Weaving (Ready or Not, Scream VI). In an interview with Collider when she was asked which horror movie series she would like to be part of next, she answered in short Nightmare on Elm Street.
Nightmare on Elm Street. I can do it.
As I said, there has been a lot of talk about the movie series in recent years, but unfortunately it has never led to anything. One day, however, a new movie will undoubtedly be released, but the question is whether it will be another remake or a sequel like the recent Halloween movies.