Would you like to watch Netflix on the go with your Nintendo Switch? Turns out, that may be on the cards...
According Go Nintendo, citing user KamehamehaX who was in touch with a service rep for Netflix, the Switch app is "locked and loaded" and the only thing remaining is Nintendo's approval.
If and when Netflix gets a green light, the app will be added to Nintendo eShop for download. Of course, it may be the case of a service rep overstating something, but then again, creating a Netflix app that works on Switch is likely not a major undertaking for Netflix. Given Nintendo's reluctance to launch Switch with streaming service, instead focusing on the device as a pure game console, it may be that they want to wait for the right time to unveil streaming and video apps on the console. But that's pure speculation and currently, there's no official word from Nintendo on these matters.
Thanks, Go Nintendo.