Star Wars Eclipse

Rumor: Star Wars Eclipse is up to four years away

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Surely we weren't the only ones who almost forgot to breathe when Quantic Dream's upcoming Star Wars Eclipse was announced during The Game Awards last week with an absolutely stunning trailer. While we do now know a whole lot about it - we are 100% certain we really want to play it.

Unfortunately, it might be a very long while until we get to do so. According to the trustworthy insider and journalist Tom Henderson, the game is probably 3-4 years away. That is such a long time in this industry that we will probably have a new Nintendo console by then, and possible also more powerful versions of Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X.

Henderson gives two reasons for this. One is that Quantic Dream's tools isn't made for open world games (they used to make adventures like Fahrenheit, Heavy Rain and most recently Detroit: Become Human). This means they have to make a new engine. But to do so they need staff, which is the other reason. Despite having several job listings, Henderson claims they have a hard time attracting talet, most likely related to severe accusations of a hostile work environment.

Star Wars Eclipse

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