
Rockstar co-founder's new game looks like something you'd have on the TV in your GTA apartment

Absurdaverse is a new action-comedy adventure game from Dan Houser's Absurd Ventures.

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When Dan Houser left Rockstar back in 2020, all eyes were on his new studio Absurd Ventures to see what it would be cooking up. Now, we have our first glimpse at one of its upcoming projects, Absurdaverse.

"Prepare to meet some new kinds of heroes (and watch them suffer)," Absurd Ventures teased (via Eurogamer). Absurdaverse is a new story-driven action-comedy adventure game, and we'll learn more about it later this year alongside Absurd Ventures' other projects.

That includes two other storytelling universes called Better Paradise and American Caper. Again, both sound like titles of satirical shows you'd see on your GTA television, but we'll have to see what they encompass when Absurd Ventures is ready to reveal more.

What do you think of Absurdaverse?


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