Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 rises from the dead for another GR livestream

We've experienced the game already, but we're heading back in for some late-game content, and of course more spooks.

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Resident Evil 2 is a very good remake of the classic horror game, as you can tell from our review, and there's a hell of a lot to see during your time in Raccoon City. That's why we've taken the decision to stream it a second time, after the first stream that you can watch a replay of down below.

This time we're exploring content you'll see later in the game, rather than simply replaying the start, and so if you want to see even more of our adventures in the game and how we handle some of the later stuff, then be sure to head on over to our live page from 15:00 GMT (16:00 CET).

Resident Evil 2

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Resident Evil 2Score

Resident Evil 2

REVIEW. Written by Roy Woodhouse

"It's satisfying to control and the story is amazing, and the whole thing is wrapped up with great sound and excellent visuals."

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